
Chess Sites
Famous Games
World Chess Championship
Famous Games Kasparov's Immortal Kasparov vs Topalov, 1999 (B06) Robatsch, 44 moves, 1-0
The Most Famous Game of All Time Morphy vs Duke Karl / Count Isouard, 1858 (C41) Philidor Defense, 17 moves, 1-0
Double B sac,King hunt and an X-ray mate. Nimzowitsch vs Tarrasch, 1914 (D30) Queen's Gambit Declined, 32 moves, 0-1
Best game of the match 1972. Fischer vs Spassky, 1972 (D59) Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower, 41 moves, 1-0
Each one of these chess games have interesting moves and/or interesting players that play them.
DEEP BLUE vs GARRY KASPAROV In this landmark clash Kasparov became the first champion to lose a match to a computer. At the time, Kasparov, undisputed world champion from 1985 to 1993, was still very much at the top of his game.
43. Qc6 Qb6 44. Kf1 Rb8 45. Ra6 The champ resigned after this move knowning that he was defeaten.